Thoughtful Designs for Meaningful Moments
When you think about it, stationery is simply ink on paper or a card folded in half. So why would I invest my time, effort, and creativity into crafting these simple items? Because stationery is so much more - it’s the foundation for connection, celebration, and expression.
A card isn’t just paper; it’s the canvas we use to wish someone well, give thanks, say I love you, or share a heartfelt apology.
Event stationery isn’t just décor; it’s the elegant thread that ties together the story of a special day, setting the tone and leaving a lasting impression.
I began Carded to remind people that in this digital age, there is an unmistakable power in the tangible and personal. A card or a piece of beautifully designed stationery chosen, written, or displayed with intention speaks volumes.
Whether it’s a card filled with heartfelt words or event stationery that brings a celebration to life, I hope what I create for you to share becomes a meaningful and memorable part of your story.
Happy Carding.
// Araz Manjikian //